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Information centre
GEERDES celebrates its 40th anniversary on 1st of April27.03.2025
We're celebrating with a 40% discount! Simply enter the discount code at checkout - it will be displayed in the shop as usual on the day of the promotion.
Tip: Useful information on the product detail page
Genres, keywords, format details, discount duration, updates... These are just some of the details that can be found on the item detail page.
Tip: Homemade harmonies (XF chords) and leadsheets!
Costs nothing and can be done in about 2 minutes.
Tip: Bundles: save money in a clever way!
Save up to 75% in the first 24h and up to 50% later! All titles within a bundle are also available individually. You can see the effective savings on…
Tip: Article updates
Since we have been increasingly revising our stock of articles for a few years now, there are bound to be one or two titles from your purchases that…