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Information centre
Delay in the further processing of Midifiles into Pro(V)-Midifiles23.01.2025
Our Genos2 device has been defective since the end of December and is being repaired by Yamaha. However, due to a system changeover at Yamaha, this is currently being delayed immensely.
Tip: Available ending-version can now be seen in the details
We now indicate on the article detail page for Midifiles whether the article is available in one or two versions.
Tip: Vocalist, item groups, what?!? I lack the perspective!
Who knows the difference between GM, GS or XG/XF? What is a Pro-Midifile what a ProV-Midifile? Why are displayed chords not available in XG Files? …
Tip: In which discounted pack I'll find...
For a better overview, there is now a list of all bundles that contain the displayed Midifile on the title details page.
Tip: Bundles: save money in a clever way!
Save up to 75% in the first 24h and up to 50% later! All titles within a bundle are also available individually. You can see the effective savings on…