
Catalogue / Item details

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going
In style of
Billy Ocean
do not buy

Price: 5,99

Purchase recommendations


Article number: 145.00
Publication: 01.07.1989
Length: 4:09
File size: ~69,48 kB
Tempo: 10 tempo changes [119,47-122,07 bpm]
Time signature: 4/4
Languages (analysed): English
Midi-end of song: Fade out (like original) & composed ending (GEERDES)
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Musical styles
  • Rhythm & Blues
    • Soul
      • Keywords
        The length (count in added), structure, style and key correspond to the original song. The instrumentation is as close as possible to the original. The sound depends on the sound generator at the user.


        Text file
        Lyrics included as text file. Text file saved in ASCII format.
        Lyric events
        Lyrics synchronised as meta-lyric events.
        Arranged vocalist track
        Arranged vocalist track on channel 16 in all available sound formats.
        XF chords synchronised as XF meta-chord event.

        Sound formats

        General Midi: Universal sound format with reduced sounds. Perfect for further processing with virtual sound libraries.

        General Midi 2: Universal sound format with extended sounds. Perfect for further processing with virtual sound libraries and on all GM2-capable devices.

        Extended sound format for all Roland devices.

        Extended sound format for all Yamaha devices.
        We however recommend the use of the XF format.

        Extended sound format for all Yamaha devices with XF functionality.
        Yamaha devices without XF functionality ignore additional XF features.
        Adapted file only for the Yamaha Tyros4.
        Adapted file only for the Yamaha Tyros5.
        Adapted file only for the Yamaha Genos (1).
        Can also be used on the Genos 2.
        Adapted file only for Korg Pa series devices.

        File formats

        Standard midi format 0: All midi data stored on one track.
        Best suited for direct use on a hardware/device.
        Standard midi format 1: Midi data stored on one track per channel.
        Best suited for post-processing in a software/DAW.

        Midi instrumentation

        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG
        01 019 Rock Organ
        02 039 Synth Bass 1
        03 006 Electric Piano 2
        04 066 Alto Sax
        05 053 Choir Aahs
        06 028 Electric Guitar (clean)
        07 030 Overdriven Guitar
        08 063 Synth Brass 1
        09 029 Electric Guitar (muted)
        10 001 Standard Kit
        11 054 Voice Oohs
        12 028 Electric Guitar (clean)
        13 051 Synth Strings 1
        14 101 Brightness
        15 066 Alto Sax
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 019 121 000 Rock Organ
        02 039 121 000 Synth Bass 1
        03 006 121 001 Detuned Electric Piano 2
        04 066 121 000 Alto Sax
        05 053 121 001 Choir Aahs 2
        06 028 121 000 Electric Guitar (clean)
        07 030 121 000 Overdriven Guitar
        08 063 121 000 Synth Brass 1
        09 029 121 000 Electric Guitar (muted)
        10 001 120 000 Standard Kit
        11 054 121 000 Voice Oohs
        12 028 121 000 Electric Guitar (clean)
        13 051 121 000 Synth Strings 1
        14 101 121 000 Brightness
        15 066 121 000 Alto Sax
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 019 016 004 Rotary Organ Slow SC-8850
        02 039 000 004 Synth Bass 1 SC-8850
        03 006 008 004 Detuned Electric Piano 2 SC-8850
        04 066 000 004 Alto Sax SC-8850
        05 053 032 004 Chorus Aahs SC-8850
        06 028 000 004 Clean Guitar SC-8850
        07 030 003 004 More Drive SC-8850
        08 063 016 004 Oct SynBrass SC-8850
        09 029 000 004 Muted Guitar SC-8850
        10 001 000 001 Standard Kit SC-55
        11 054 002 004 Voice Oohs 2 SC-8850
        12 028 016 004 TC FrontPick SC-8850
        13 051 000 004 Synth Strings 1 SC-8850
        14 101 001 004 Shining Star SC-8850
        15 066 008 004 AltoSax Exp. SC-8850
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 019 000 065 SlowRotary
        02 039 000 000 Synth Bass 1
        03 006 000 000 Chorused Electric Piano
        04 066 000 000 Alto Sax
        05 053 000 016 ChoirAahs2
        06 028 000 000 Electric Guitar (clean)
        07 030 000 000 Overdriven Guitar
        08 063 000 000 Synth Brass 1
        09 029 000 000 Electric Guitar (muted)
        10 001 127 000 Standard Kit
        11 054 000 000 Voice Oohs
        12 028 000 000 Electric Guitar (clean)
        13 051 000 000 Synth Strings 1
        14 101 000 000 Brightness
        15 066 000 000 Alto Sax
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 019 000 000 Rock Organ
        02 039 000 000 Synth Bass 1
        03 006 000 000 Chorused Electric Piano
        04 066 000 000 Alto Sax
        05 053 000 000 Choir Aahs
        06 028 000 000 Electric Guitar (clean)
        07 030 000 000 Overdriven Guitar
        08 063 000 000 Synth Brass 1
        09 029 000 000 Electric Guitar (muted)
        10 025 127 000 Electronic Kit
        11 054 000 000 Voice Oohs
        12 028 000 000 Electric Guitar (clean)
        13 051 000 000 Synth Strings 1
        14 101 000 000 Brightness
        15 066 000 000 Alto Sax
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 030 008 034 ClassicBars S.Articulation!
        02 040 000 112 AnalogBass
        03 006 000 121 SparkleStack Cool!
        04 083 008 033 RockSax S.Articulation!
        05 055 000 113 Voices
        06 028 000 109 BalladSolid Cool!
        07 030 000 116 RockGuitar
        08 063 000 113 80'sBrass
        09 029 000 119 MutedGuitar Cool!
        10 025 127 000 ElectroKit
        11 054 000 112 VoxHumana
        12 028 000 109 BalladSolid Cool!
        13 090 104 000 VPSoft
        14 089 000 118 SweetHeaven
        15 083 008 033 RockSax S.Articulation!
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 030 008 034 ClassicBars S.Articulation!
        02 040 000 112 AnalogBass
        03 006 000 121 SparkleStack Cool!
        04 083 008 033 RockSax S.Articulation!
        05 055 000 113 Voices
        06 028 000 109 BalladSolid Cool!
        07 030 000 116 RockGuitar
        08 063 000 113 80sBrass
        09 029 000 119 MutedGuitar Cool!
        10 025 127 000 ElectroKit
        11 054 000 112 VoxHumana
        12 028 000 109 BalladSolid Cool!
        13 090 104 000 VPSoft
        14 089 000 118 SweetHeaven
        15 083 008 033 RockSax S.Articulation!
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 019 121 012 ???
        02 039 121 018 Synth Bass 3
        03 006 121 003 Electric Piano Legend
        04 067 121 001 Tenor Sax Noise1
        05 053 121 012 Choir Light
        06 028 121 027 Real El.Gtr ST2
        07 030 121 001 Guitar Pinch
        08 063 121 004 Electrik Brass
        09 029 121 006 Clean Mute Gtr
        10 025 120 000 Electro Kit
        11 053 121 006 Ooh Choir
        12 028 121 027 Real El.Gtr ST2
        13 051 121 003 Analog Velve
        14 101 121 002 Synth Ghostly
        15 067 121 001 Tenor Sax Noise1
        16 ---
        Midi-channels: 16
        CH PRG MSB LSB
        01 030 008 034 ClassicBars JS S.Articulation!
        02 040 000 112 AnalogBass
        03 006 000 121 DX Sparkle Cool!
        04 081 008 065 SmoothTenorSax S.Articulation2!
        05 055 000 113 Voices
        06 028 000 109 BalladSolid Cool!
        07 030 000 116 RockGuitar
        08 063 000 113 80sBrass
        09 029 000 119 MutedGuitar Cool!
        10 025 127 000 ElectroKit
        11 054 000 112 VoxHumana
        12 028 000 109 BalladSolid Cool!
        13 090 104 000 VP Soft
        14 089 000 118 SweetHeaven
        15 081 008 065 SmoothTenorSax S.Articulation2!
        16 ---


        • 17.03.2023: Sound format extension to XF, Tyros4/5, Korg Pa & Genos
        • 16.03.2023: Re-release (file was re-produced)

        Included in the following bundles

        When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going
        In style of
        Billy Ocean
        do not buy

        Price: 1,79

        Purchase recommendations


        Article number: 145.01
        Publication: 16.03.2023
        Length: 4:26
        File size: ~6,09 MB
        Tempo: 11 tempo changes [119-122 bpm]
        Show all titles in style of...
        Musical styles
        • Rhythm & Blues
          • Soul
            • Keywords
              This playback is based on our Midifile. In general, synthetic sounds (e.g. via VST plug-ins) are used. All production steps are not automated.


              Text file
              Lyrics included as text file. Text file saved in ASCII format.


              192 KB/s
              Compression rate. Ideal compromise between size and quality.

              File formats

              Compressed audio file. Only usable for compatible devices/software.
              Credit card
              Online bank transfer
              Phone: +49 3321 7484878
              Telefax: +49 3321 7484879
              E-mail: contact form
              Telephone office hours
              Mon. - Fri.: 10am - 1pm
              Exceptions: Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve & on public holidays

              Version 4.5.5 GEERDES is online since 1997 Licensing via
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