Since December 2007, XF files and files for Tyros devices have been available as an additional format (new productions always include the last 3 Tyros generations). Files for the Genos have been added to the range since 2017 and for the Genos2 since 2024.
The files are adapted by hand based on our "normal" Midifiles.
Apart from a few small changes, the old song structure remains the same.
Exception: If required, the XF file contains a second drum set, which is inserted on Ch 9. The original content of Ch 9 is then inserted on the next free channel.
Sysex, ChordalXG (Vocoder) and Score:
Each file contains various specific setup data (Sysex etc.), e.g. in addition to standards such as XG and GM resets, system reverb, setups for the internal vocalist (Preset ChordalXG) or settings for the note display (Score).
Sound optimisation:
The sounds are optimized 'bottom to top' to ensure, that the 'small' devices will get no problems with the sounds they may don't have.
Megavoices & co:
It is not necessary to use Megavoices & co at all times to be able to say 'this is a Tyros file'. Depending on the original song, there are also 'normal' sound used. So you'll find Megavoices & co as often as they make sense.
Please inform yourselves which files you can use on your device! Please refer to the manual of your device.